The Facebook page that's impersonating me, you can help me get rid of them.
My current tour info.
If you haven't found your 'tribe' yet or need a new one, I got you :-)
This bill passed the senate today WITHOUT DEBATE. How insane is that! A few years ago, that would have shocked us...but now anymore. We're used to their games now.
I bet you've seen a lot of scary posts today...I am going to give you a different perspective.
DON"T BE SCARED! Just because a bill passes in the circus they call parliament, does not mean they can achieve mass compliance for it. So many people have lost trust in government and big corporations, they won't want a digital ID!!!
instead of getting fearful and running around like headless chickens...let's sit back and see how they play it from here. So many people won't believe them when they say it's 'voluntary'. We've learned our lesson and we wont' fall for their tricks again.
Have faith in Australians, they aren't as stupid as you think. Remember the referendum ??? Exactly.
And on a side note...RDA and I will put ALL OUR ENERGY into stopping the mandatory Digital ID when/if it comes to that...that is my line in the sand and it should be yours too!
This video is for YOU!
This video is for YOUR FRIENDS!
Also, I have reported the fake 'Monica Smit' facebook profile to police and now starting proceedings against Facebook for ignoring all our reports.